Imperial Tombs of the Qing

The Eastern Qing Tombs are one of the secret tips in and around Beijing and the tomb site is probably the least visited UNESCO world heritage site in China. Around 125 km northeast of Beijing, which means roughly a 2.5 hours drive, a full day must be counted in to visit this place. However, it´s definitely worth a try, especially as it is the burial site for 5 emperors, 14 empresses and 136 imperial consorts.

Built on Feng Shui principle, with a mountain range in the back and quite similar to the Ming Tombs, a long road with animal statues leads up to the gate of the tomb. Especially in the afternoon, when the sun sets, and because there are only few tourists to be seen, the visit will become to a special experience and makes it worth the rather long trip from Beijing.

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