South China Karst

The South China Karst region extends over a surface of 500'000 square kilometres and lies mainly in the provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi. South China is unmatched for the diversity of its karst features and landscapes. South China Karst represents three of the world's most spectacular examples of humid tropical to sub-tropical karst landscapes: Libo Karst, Shilin Karst and Wulong Karst. The stone forests of Shilin are considered natural phenomena. The cluster includes the Naigu stone forest occurring on dolomitic limestone and the Suyishan stone forest arising from a lake. Furthermore, Shilin contains a higher diversity of shapes and changing colours than other similar karst landscapes. The cone and tower karsts of Libo, just like Shilin considered the world reference site for these types of karsts, form a unique and breath-taking landscape. Wulong Karst has been inscribed for its giant dolines, natural bridges and caves.

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