Sandro Crivelli

 Sandro and Beatrice Crivelli traveled with us in early 2011 for around 5 weeks from Southern China to Yunnan (from Kunming to Dali, Shaxi, Lijiang, Lugu Lake, Shangri La and Feilai Si) and on to Tibet and later by Chengdu, Xian and Pingyao to Beijing. Sandros pcis give a great insight in the rich cultural live and all the different minorities they encountered during their journey. The pictures also show that they wisely chose their travel date (March and April), since this is the time when the chances to see the mountain ranges under a blue sky, are maximized. However, to being able to see the Kawakarpo and the Mount Everest Range in perfect conditions, not only requires perfect planning but also a lot of luck, or Karma, both from which the Crivellis obviously have a lot.

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