Danba - Wolong - Chengdu


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On the last day of your journey we drive from Danba to Chengdu via Four Sisters Mountain (Mt. Siguniang) - also often referred to as "Oriental Alps". Legend has it that a long time ago, an evil spirit by the name of Maerduola often inflicted harm on the local people. One brave man called Alangbayi fought Maerduola but died in the process. Alangbayi had four daughters, and the youngest and most beautiful of them swore revenge on the evil spirit and finally defeated it several times. This daughter also had a long-term friend from the same village, who she once fought the evil spirit with. After their victory they started to fall in love.

However, Maerduola never let go of his evil plans and tricked the Water Goddess into flooding the region. All four sisters sought revenge and peace for the community, but the three older sisters were afraid that the youngest sister could not defeat the evil spirit on her own anymore, so they attacked Maerduola together with their men. Unfortunately they were defeated but managed to transform into three mountains imprisoning Maerduola beneath them. However, the evil spirit's power was even greater than they had expected and the youngest daughter saw that her sisters could not constrain Maerduola much longer, so she turned into a big mountain with great glaciers too, sitting on the spirit's chest and imprisoning him for good.

As the youngest sister's lover heard of the news, he was heart-broken and turned into a big white cloud covering the mountain's top to express his eternal love.

We will also pass Balang Mountain and visit the Wolong Giant Panda Natural Reserve. We will stay overnight at the "Tibet Hotel" (4 *).


Tibet Hotel (4 *)

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