Information and Map of Anhui Province, China

Capital: Hefei

Largest cities: Hefei, Anqing, Huangshan City, Tongling, Ma'anshan, Huainan, Bengbu, Bozhou

Population: 64,610,000

Density: 463/km²

Major nationalities: Han - 99%
                                 Hui - 0.6%

GDP: CNY 481.3 billion
         CNY 7450 (per capita)

Geography: The province is quite diverse topographically. The north of the province is part of the North China Plain while the north-central areas are part of the Huai He River watershed. Both of these regions are very flat and densely populated. The land becomes more uneven further south, with the Dabie Mountains occupying much of southwestern Anhui and a series of hills and ranges cutting through southeastern Anhui.

Highest peak: Lotus Peak (1873 m), part of the Huangshan Mountains in southeastern Anhui.

Largest rivers: Huai He, Yangtze

Largest lake: Lake Chaohu

Neighboring provinces: Henan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shandong, Zhejiang

Climate: differs in climate from north to south. The north is more temperate and has more clear-cut seasons. January temperatures average at around -1 to 2°C north of the Huai He, and 0 to 3°C south of the Huai He; in July temperatures average at 27°C or above.

Average annual precipitation: from 700 mm (north) to 2000 mm (south)

Places of Interest: Huangshan, Jiuhuashan (holy Buddhist Mountain), Bozhou (birth place of Hua Mulan), ancient villages in Southern Anhui - Xidi and Hongcun (World Heritage Site), Mount Qiyun, Mount Tianzhu, Old Town of Tunxi

Prefecture-level divisions: 17

County-level divisions: 105

Township-level divisions: 1845

Website: (Chinese)

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